Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut - 2024
Delve into the digestive system with this lighthearted and informative documentary that demystifies the role gut health plays in our overall well-being.

Jordy Francis

this was great! I have endometriosis & chemical depression. Jan 2023, I started a goal of adding veggies to every meal, and I noticed my endo & mental symptoms have reduced. By Jan 2024, I crave veggies & feel deprived if I don't eat at least half of my daily calories in vegs!

David Tremblay

Very informative and interesting. Something everyone should watch. And the gut Dr. is hot as hell and we all know that helps. Rating 8.4


No... it's common knowledge that twizzlers, peanut butter M&M's, and Kraft american cheese singles are key for health excellence.