Hacksaw Ridge - 2016
WWII American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss, who Functioned during the Battle of Okinawa, refuses to kill people Also becomes the Earliest Conscientious Objector in American history for the Congressional Medal of Honor.

RaNiya Wescott

I love this movie it was scary and sad and it makes me want to just do something good with my life

Bekki Dorman

I have always loved this movie, tho I had heard the story years before the movie was made as my grandfather was a proud Army Sgt. during this time. Doss shook up not just his base and unit with his stand but the Army as a whole. His bravery was ALSO told just as his stance on C.O

Braylen Lambert

I have been looking at this since I was 9 now im13 this really is my favorite movie

Ed Selman

Desmond Doss was one natural heroic son of a bitch & I don't mean any disrespect to that man but to go into a war without a weapon of any kind & save so many men that was left up on Hacksaw Ridge & it would have been an honor to present him with the metal ! ! ! !

Bekki Dorman

I love the fact they were able to add the real Sgt. as well as Doss' older brother. U can tell just by him speaking that he was a humble and modest man of God. A sweet soul that certainly has his place next to God.

Patrick King Senior

My name is Reverend Patrick D King Senior I fought in Afghanistan to see the Lord at work is nothing short of a merical deep rooted in God's love. Evil in this world has taken ahold of both these countries as well as others. We all must stand and do what is rightious

Christy King

War is almost always poor people fighting rich people's wars... but Desmond... what a badass. He was one hell of a man.

Martin Tinoco

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Antonio Ezequiel

I like this movie it's cool that's because I like War stuff

Matthew Tidwell

no that Jesus is with you all and he loves you and great movie

Belicia Aguilar

I cried so much during this movie. it was a great movie. 👍👍👍☺️

tony george

anyone who sees this, what were your thoughts on Vince Vaughn as a sarg?

Devonte Britton

This "Hacksaw Ridge" movie 🎥🍿 was truly a masterpiece throughout the entirety of the film 📽️. Without a doubt this cinematic production deserves 10 stars 🌟 out of 10 stars 🌟✨ for its authentincy, originality, and the details that brought this amazing reel to the big screen.

Chris Kozik

✨🇺🇲💫Doss's unyielding determination and courage under fire shown in the film are amazing, yet >Hollywood actually toned down< what he did because it was thought that people wouldn't believe it if it was all really shown what he did! A beyond remarkable man and hero.

Theresa A Taylor

I will try to live my life and have rock solid conviction for God daily. Don't waver not even a little bit. Thank You Jesus and Thank you Mr. Doss for your courage and Mercy shown to others whom may not deserved it. Thank you Sir for your love of life.

Theresa A Taylor

After watching this movie and it's epic biographical story of Desmond Doss, it made me look at my life like I've never have before. Mr. Doss was a man of God and his eviction was steadfast. (solid as a rock) He never wavered from his beliefs. Selfless and Heroic.

Michael Taylor

this movie is very inspiring great movie I really really enjoyed it keep them coming

tony george

"I thought I was blind" is always my favorite part

Carter Seigworth

Desmond doss is a true hero

Loyalty Lauderdale

Never judge a book by its cover fits this well Mel definitely put his mark on this Doss I will never forget that name