Halloween - 2007
After being perpetrated for 17 decades, Michael Myers, a grown man and still very dangerous, escapes from the mental institution (where he was perpetrated as a 10 year old) and he instantly returns to Haddonfield, where he wishes to seek his baby sister, Laurie. Is in threat
Krissy ♡
IDK why but, I like this Halloween movie better than the other "1st films" (even the original) because it shows Michael as a deranged serial killer not only as a child but as an adult too, the second movie does it justice! this Halloween Universe/Phase is my favorite by far!
this movie helped use to understand what makes a person because the person they are mlke was a product of his involvement he already was sensitive but some factors in his upbringing made him a socially unstable a sociopath unable to feel anything because what u expose your kidsto
coltin olmstead
i like the fact rob zombie captured that twist of Lori being the sister of Michael and showing us how he evolved into this unlike the original
second time watching this I just figured out how he knew that girl was Lori strobe his little sister he remembered how she smelled when she put that envelope in that slot he smelled that envelope that's how he knew who she was wow
very very good an underrated physical thriller/horror movie deeper then just a slasher movie 🎥 just a thought
Andria Grieswell
I like the original ones better, this is stupid😠😠
Mark Isrow
zombie did great job rebirth of great horror flick of 80s. this probably better then original. because getting to know Mike. original Halloween lost it by 3 had nothing to do with nothing lol.
Khmer_Infinity Musiq
at least this movie respect Michael Myers more than that other Origin movie of Corey Cunningham I watch on October 14...lol
idk why so much hate for this movie tbh. it was well done and did a great job of telling the story. was good to see more of michael as a child and what happened.
Love this version very easy to understand everything and shows the back story of what he did ad why
Victor Martinez
Victor, love it the movie 🎥😔🤯🤯🥵😱😱😱☠☠☠🤬🤬💥👋Victor
I wanted him to slay his little sister so bad. All she was doing was screaming. He probably just wanted to shut the hell up..
Bruce Van Duyne
what a GREAT BIG FUCK YOU!!!! TO a. awesome Horror movie classic.
They completely rewrote and DESTROYED the entire story .
Ram Ayala
the unrated version of this movie goes into a darker version of the film better understanding of it another better
Alexander “Doc” Houghtling
once again rob zombie directs another stellar movie
Floyd Rich
love these Halloween hope it keeps going tho
Reanna Washburn
omg I love this movie and the second one I love rob zombie and brad dourif
this movie is the best I've ever seen and I love how they show Michael as a kid and as an adult , great content
Linda Powder
I can't stand the chick who plays Laurie. she's vile and all she does is scream like a maniac. No wonder Jamie Lee dismissed her.
Vegeta Royal Blue
my favorite version of Halloween grow up watching this one
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