Hannah Montana: The Movie - 2009
Miley Stewart, to the from her father requires a trip to her hometown of Crowley Corners to get some view as Hannah Montana's popularity begins to take over her entire life.
Ruby R Salinas
13 years later I still loveeee this movie.
Zoe Young
are we going to ignore the fact that Taylor Swift got up on stage and got like 2 seconds of screen time???
shavonnne johnson
I love it sooo much more than the first one that i watched on YouTube
Austin B
Austin Boswell Gmail com 😎
Lorrie Tainomlae
My favorite movie when I was younger.
Faith Mann
l luv when she plays both roles in different scenes
Beth Anglin
I really really really love this movie and I love Miley Cyrus so much
for me never gets old
Quen Gibson
love this movie
Beth Anglin
y'all all need to watch the movie called dirty grandpa it's a good movie
Nehemie Chery
I like hannah Montana movie
Kamari Henry
this is a good movie
Beth Anglin
I love this movie
Stephanie Chasteen
I love this movie
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