Happy Gilmore - 1996
Failed hockey player-turned-golf whiz Gilmore -- antics and whose strategy and the ire of Shooter McGavin on the grass court -- has been determined to win a PGA tournament so he could rescue his granny's house or apartment with the prize money. An attractive tour publicist attempts to soften the image of Happy.


Adam Sandler's Best Movie IMO "The Price is Wrong, B*tch!" LMAO 🤣🤣🤣

Dave Getchen

the movies are there but it takes a half hour to get there and then I am too pissed to watch the movie. lm going to unsubscribe next time l have to do all the crap it takes to watch a movie 😾

Jon Smith

I just realized if this movie came out today Adam Sandler would get canceled for beating a gator to death wtf r we doing


I love the movie

Robert Jeffreys

RIP CHUBBS. Carl Weathers

Damien Valenzuela

" now your goanna get it bobby" 😂😂😂😂

Fook Yu

Adam Sandler is crashout shot

Caitlin Trinidad

I love all of Adam Sandler movies

Gregory Conrad

for the next time I have a good time

Louise Villebrun

love that Doge Duster


chubs comes out in lil nicky too

Fermin Puell

Julie Bowen looks hot💕

Andre Gatling

I fuckin loved it 10/10

Stephan Dakin

Waterbury CT???


RIP Bob Barker


best movie

Michael Manis

so funny

cod boy yeah
