Harry and the Hendersons - 1987
Returning from the hunting trip in the woods, the Henderson family's car hits a monster in the street. At first they fear that it was a person, but if they examine the"body" they find it's really a"bigfoot". They believe that it's dead so that they decide to take it home (there could be some money in this). As you imagined, it's not dead. Not even close to being the mad monster that they fear"Harry" to be, so he is an amiable giant.

Jason Webb

This is the greatest movie about Bigfoot ever made. I remember having a huge argument with my monna about going to see this movie and we finally went. If she was a live today, she would say that this was a great movie and there was no argument. Lol. 1987 I was 11.

Yancy Johnson

I'm 41 and this is still one of my very favorite movies!!! wish they had don't tell mom the babysitters dead lol

Tykeria Lynch

yes I like this movie haven't seen this movie since I was a kid I'm 39 now


Omg... One of my favorite movies πŸ₯°πŸ˜

Emma Crawford

One of my favorite movie 🍿πŸŽ₯🍿πŸŽ₯🍿

Donny Kemp

And just imagine, that's predator.


I was 11 when I watched this movie and just watched it with my grandkid at 48 Gezz I miss the 80s


this takes you back Nice family entertainment as was the TV series that followed it.


I still watch like I'm seeing it for the first time

Brandi Pinckney

yes.. me to... funnyyyyy!!!

Karl Lindsey

good movie heart warming.


I am 42 and this still a favorite classic!

shana Handford

I'm 43 an still love this movie

Michael Woodson

awesome movie one of my all time favorites

Piper Boros

wish they made more great movie


There should be a sequel to this movie.

Brandi Pinckney

I'm going to be 50 in three weeks

Jolyne Webb

one my favorite childhood movie


wish they had walk like a man


i love this movie