Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets - 2002
Ignoring threats Harry returns to Hogwarts to explore -- helped by Ron and Hermione -- a set of attacks.
everyone who wants to listen to Harry potter or any audio book for free just download tokybook off Google play store or the internet and it's there, it has ads but it's well worth it I promise I'm addicted to Harry potter I've listened to all of them. a bunch of times
Nevaeh Williams
okay so this is like my 100th time watching this because I want to go through all the Harry Potter movies again and probably again once I'm done.
I've been watching Harry Potter since I was a little girl because it's the one movie that let's me know that I can accomplish anything and to always be myself. I've never had or felt like I have a home so Hogwarts is my home no matter how old I am or where ever I am. Hogwarts is
Black Knight (Looper)
ha I just finished the first now it's time for the second one
Graciela Mendoza
I love you Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Shane Campbell
Tabetha Melby
I will always watch you're movies forever and you make the best movies of all time and I Love the other movies you made Good night and God bless you
Verroncia Lynch
I don't have ads on any of the movies I watch and im not paying for anything
Julie Ramsey
anyone else notice when Harry is hanging out of the car and Ron is reaching to help pull him back into the car his right hand is shown when he's using his left hand?
Marcelle Decoteau
It would Take you 26 hours and 59 minutes to watch all the Harry Potter movies and The Fantastic Beasts movies all together. All 8 of The Harry Potter movies are 19 hours and 26 minutes all together. 3 of Fantastic Beasts movies are 7 hours and 10 minutes all together.
Ramona Robinson
I see people negative comments about Harry Potter and all about witchcraft it's not even that bad it's like really cool I mean it's like about witches and wizards and they're so different because we love like the actual shows
Sharon Stover
when he got that book out it was made by Tom Riddle for those who don't know Tom Riddle is the actor of Draco
Alex Gillen
sshshshshshsssssssss sorry I was talking to my sake 🐍🐍
(1:29:16) Let me take you back 50 year ago. (The grammar is horrible it's years ago not year ago 😅)
ahh atlas I have finally watched every harry potter (pottah) movie
weoowowoowow niceeee very niceeeee btw I'm not a npc
Rip flying car
he was a great friend he helped Harry and Ron go back to hogwarts.
I love the way moaning Myrtle is laughing at Hermione when she's a cat
Sherry Hickson
I'm 48 and I love Harry Potter movies and I hope a new one comes out soon
moaning murtle looks too much like harry
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