Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 2007
Returning at Hogwarts, Harry is stunned to discover his warnings concerning Lord Voldemort's return were discounted. Harry takes things practice a small group of students -- known as'Dumbledore's Army' -- to defend themselves.

Timothy Hines

I Think After Reading And Watching This Addition To The Harry Potter Series.How He Exercises His Teaching Skills,Showing Other Students How To Execute The Expelliumus Spell,I Think K.J.Rowling Should Write A Series With Him, Hermione,And Ron As Adults And Hold Some Position At Ho

Silvia Rodriguez

hey everyone the lord just wanted me to tell you guys he loves us all and hey I died for you guys and came back on the 3rd day you all are my creation please listen to me say this prayer so we will be reunited jesus I understand you died and came back for me and I say I accept


everyone who wants to listen to Harry potter or any audio book for free just download tokybook off Google play store or the internet and it's there, it has ads but it's well worth it I promise I'm addicted to Harry potter I've listened to all of them. a bunch of times

Aubrianna Kozinski

omg I didn't believe this app would work but it literally has everything I'm so happy

mika smith

"you may not like him minister but you can't deny... dumbledures got style" [00


hello there I was wondering if you could get the movie Tord comes in the morning and I don't like it but I don't like it but I don't like it but I don't like it but I don't like it but

Silvia Rodriguez

free gift of salvation and I repent and ask for your mercy lord cause I am a sinner but no more will I be because you've cured me on the cross

Zaniya Crook

idk why they keep trying to hide meetings and stuff from him I think Harry Potter seen alot and did alot to not be in meetings especially stuff that concerns him


the owl house is the best I can do for you to go to the party and get it but I don't like it here Max was wondering if you could get the party and crafts for school


hehehehehe I don't know what to do with it at all of the time I have to go to the store and get some more

Glenn Quagmiree

Dumbledore takes I won't be there for you to a whole new level.

jason vela

the head mistress gave Harry a Will Smith slap


can't believe it's mean to be in the morning and I don't want to know what I mean

Myriesha Tika

How can anybody hate Harry Potter movies,they're great 👍 👌

Julie Ramsey

Ministry of magic Fudge was under a spell by Voltomore and he was doing the bidding of Him

Gasmyl Kangoyi

Harry Potter is demonic. Don't watch it, and if you want to understand why, then watch this video(https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xxyPRCSSbRs) and you can also look up a channel named heaven update to find the video that talks about this and also don't forget Jesus christ loves you


hi I Love our show my name is Kendall [006 my older brother that is 13 says all night watching Harry Potter

Ernest Morua

dang I Bella's cookcoo ass


the one problem I always had with this movie was the fact that he's being expelled for using magic in front of a muggle but the Muggle he used magic in front of already knew about magic it's his cousin he already knows that Harry's magical


I said this once and I'm not going to say it again stop talking about my boy Potter instead friend