Heavy Trip - 2018
Turo is stuck in a small village and the best part of his life will be being the vocalist for its metal group Impaled Rektum. Without playing a gig, he along with his bandmates have practiced for 1-2 years. The people decide it's now or not -- and find a surprise visitor from Norway -- that the promoter for an enormous heavy metal music festival. They steal a van, even a corpse, and a drummer to create their fantasies possible.

Paul Perez

this is the best metal movie ever. death to false metal

Paul Perez

where is part 2 an 3 love this movie

Frankel Diaz

Bill & Ted approves this movie

Genesis M Martinez

slam metal, I love it

Scot “scotty” Charron

yeah in Norwegian right

Scot “scotty” Charron

no english here

Genesis M Martinez
