Hidden - 2015
A family group takes refuge to prevent a dangerous epidemic.

Gerald Horn

yeah they would've went through none of that if it wasn't for Lil mini Karen screaming and whining

owens daniels

the little girl didn't have control, she was crying and yelling when silence is what's needed, they had to see that traffic ahead of time all three should've turn around in the car and go home!!!!!

Paul Masters

I was thinking the same thing duct tape that little girl's mouth shut and burn the doll

Ronald Carter

A dark and hopeless film the whole essence of the movie contained in a box always looking over your shoulder and fear left me with a eerie and unsettling feeling. does leave the question in mind about martial law

Amiee Pittman

wow how yall can talk about a child like that is beyond me. whether it's a character in a movie or not its a child. plus the problem ended up being the damn doll not the child. crazy!

Rhonda Harkins

if I had to listen to that girl scream , I would give myself up!! not a great m9vie

Kat Cofrin

loved this movie, wish there was more berserkers are "creatures" that go into a rage when scared or angry and I don't think a movies been made yet about them til this. I enjoyed it very much, reminded me of one of my favorite books


you have to teach your children discipline but you don't want to make them grow up to soon either but they have to use their common sense just the most important thing teach your children critical thinking and common Sense good movie you people are reading too much into the kid

Meaghan Abramson

Ik Zoey's a** wouldn't stop screaming knowing they would heR. I also wanted to shove those can of beans down her throat earlier in the movie, like she doesn't know the situation.

Michele Lein

I've seen this concept before in a different film, possibly a short film. The first time I saw this twist, it caught me totally off guard, smacking me in the face, and I was left thinking "how did I not see that coming", especially as I'm a big fan of 'The Twilight Zone'.

Jasper Beede

hey all the extra screaming by the little girl I feel you I would have knocked her little b**** ass out if I was a character in that movie I would have hated to do it and I've been apologetic about it but it would have got done. and it wasn't all because of her screaming

Wade Carden

yes she screamed alot yes they fell down while running yes dad saved the day at the end only to die have yall ever watched a horror movie

Sean Howarth

where did the virus come from and how did it start infecting people? Never any mention of that


the girl sucks cant act and all she says is hold fast dad and scream the whole movie shut the hell up dumbass

Zachary Carpenter

Holy fuck.. I wish that little cunt and her doll would have just died. Couldn't be more annoying

Ernest Martin Jr

Really Implausible Scenario. Where, and how did they go potty? I bet that place was ' FUNNNKY '. And they couldn't bathe either 😟😟😟 That movie was a Funky Cold Marina 😎😁😁😁😁


a really good movie all in all can't be mad at the kid considering the parameters of the movie and you can't play in the military and you can't even really blame the people because they're just innocent victims it's a bad set of situations which makes a good horror movie and it i

Chris Hernandez Sr.

After starting the movie..then going to the comments. I've decided to find another movie to watch. I just don't want to hear the kid scream the whole damn movie!

Sean Barth



and it is a horror movie considering I saw this movie when it first came out just at one time and I just rewatched it again and it held up pretty well it was suspenseful kept you going twist at the end was kind of cool so oh no good movie so I don't know why people were caring ab