Holes - 2003
Stanley's family is cursed with misfortune. So as to construct character unfairly sentenced to months of detention at Camp Green Lake, he and his campmates are forced by the warden to dig holes. What they don't really know is they have been digging holes in order to search for a lost treasure hidden in the camp.


love this moviewatched it over 4 dozen times it's so good and it all started in 5th grade .I'm 32 now read the books and watch this movie frequently. it gives you a feel good sensation πŸ’―


It all started in 5th grade when this was a class assignment, now I can't stop watching this movie it's so good

Dewan leach

do y'all watch the end of the credits bcuz if you don't do you will be surprised

Amber Jackson

I loved the movie and the book so much

Daniel Harrison

1:35:50 the I'm tired of this daddy

Ray Gibson

I love this movie I read the book in 6th grade and went to the movies and watched it on a school fill trip I'm 33 now still love it

Laura Vizcaya

I've seen a movie it's a good movie and at school no one hasn't seen sms that means South Middle School it sucks there I get bullied there for no reason but at least I got new clothes and they're actually nice to me but I was just saying that they are just being rude to me again[

Judy Ledbetter

Excellent πŸ‘πŸ’―β­β­β­β­β­ God Bless πŸ’—πŸ™Œ


I'm tired of this grandpa well that's too damn bad you just keep digging

Sonia Dhungel

POV: you're reading this book at school and you wanted to watch the movie

Ernest Morua

I seen a interview with zero and he said the onions him and Stanley ate were actually apple's with rice paper painted purple with food coloring

Dylan Kirk

I read book in 2nd and watch movie 2 times I'm still little 9 now

karlene Hughes-Isham

Forward to the absolute end of the credits! Never saw this scene before. Perfect Scene. Thanks Dewan Leach for posting about it!!

Umair Ahmed

I read the book as well

Joyce Tindell

i love this movie so much

Nikki Dajos

its good but honestly I liked the book better

Nerey Alvarado

we watch that in 4th grade

Alma Tobar

i love this movie 🍿🍿🍿I also read the book as good as the 🍿🍿🍿πŸŽ₯πŸŽ₯πŸŽ₯

Jon Smith

so sweet feet helped Stanley get locked up but at the end does a commercial to help his family dafuk