Honeydew - 2021
Strange cravings and hallucinations befall a young couple after seeking shelter in the home of an aging farmer and her peculiar son.
mancave THEATER
I must say,kuddos to the entire cast and crew for putting together a well shot filmI always admire style and substance being a fan of period films no matter the genre,I was entertained by the effort and personal preference in the arts but I wanted more out of the script
Lano Robertson
dumb as hell nigga let two old people fucked them up like that definitely a friend movie lol but damn shit sick
Tara White (Nurse Terra)
What a SURREAL & peculiar film. I WILL NEVER GO CAMPING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY. Bet your ass on that...LITERALLY in this case.
Tara White (Nurse Terra)
Fun fact: Dude, with the red hair, is Steven Spielbergs son. Sawyer Spielberg 🥩
crazy but good movie
good movie
just weird
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