Honor Society - 2022


This looks so good, what a happy surprise. Angourie is a total star, happy to see her getting lead roles. She has massive talent. Same for Gaten, he deserves this and so much more. The story is not new and rather simple, but the treatment is so fresh. Love that her character is so confident and sure of herself.


This movie looks to be one part "American Psycho" (minus the killings), mixed with "Heathers" and "She's All That". An interesting combination of genres. Looks to be an awesome movie.


Who’s here for gaten!!!??? ?? that dude deserves every success that comes his way so happy to see more of him


You know you’re getting old when McLovin from Superbad now plays guidance counselor roles in teen movies ??


Angourie was so incredible in The Nice Guys that I knew she would end up starring in more films. She's definitely going to be a massive star. Too much talent not to be.


I love this. Why WOULDN'T the nerdiest, most overachieving people fall for each other? It's much more likely than the usual high school romcom pairings.


Angourie is a great actress. Everyone can't be fooled to see that Angourie is over 20 years old right...? Glad to see Gaten getting into more roles.


Gaten deserves this ; Honestly I'd say his acting in season 4 of ST was phenomenal; I can say Gaten n Sadie's graph just went up remarkably.


Gaten Matarazzo finally getting a main part at love story??? I dreamed about this for so long! Please, more of those, the men is awesome!


so good to see gaten getting more work. he defiantly deserves it after that phenomenal preformance in stranger things 4 vol 2!


This looks so sweet. And of course Gaten chooses a romance for his first film. So looking forward to seeing it.


Steve Harrington would be so proud of Dustin unwittingly managing to get a girl to fall for him


Betty Brant, McLovin and Dustin Henderson all in one. This will be a phenomenal crossover

Alessandra Fultz

my mmo k sa I d sne hated th is becahse thheee boy sholddd ovv ben nice to thheee girl


This movie did not go the way ai thought it would. It's a really great movie.


Loved the plot twist literally didn’t see it coming and loved this movie


i will support gaten in anything he does. he deserves so much success!


Angourie is finally getting recognition which she totally deserves


It's nice to see Betty Brant is getting her own spinoff lol.

Kotrevi Colley

I came here just for gaten