I, Robot - 2004
In 2035, where bots are common-place and abide by the 3 laws of robotics, a techno-phobic cop investigates an apparent suicide. Suspecting a robot could possibly be responsible for the departure, his analysis leads him to feel humanity could possibly be in danger.

kris stine

I saw this when it 1st released. view of the future LA wasn't close I think. 2033... cities will be the same dirty, hostile, primitive places they are today. with that 1 percent above the clouds looking down on the rest of us as we make thier millions for them

Wendy Corbett

This is actually coming to life right before our eyes!! I love this movie since the 1st time I saw it! Great movie!!

Steven McGee

I miss Will Smith and I would hope that Hollywood would get off its sanctimonious act of righteous indignation at his act of being human and it's sad that a great actor was removed from making movies anymore

Vincent Ramos

This movie tells the future of things to come. Humans are the smartest dumb creation of all times.

BiggMaceo Edwards

It's coming soon to real life

Tammy DeBoard

I lost a lot of respect for ole Will Smith. That was a punk move on his part with Chris Rock.


I read the books and it was really unfortunate that they crammed all of the books into this one what maybe two hour movie it really would have been better if they had taken a little more time and done it right. there's so much in the books that doesn't make it to the film.

Arthur Summers

y'know I wasn't alive when this released and it's still top 20 if not top 10 for me

Tammy DeBoard

I just love how this app will put an ad at the top of the screen so it cuts off some of the movie.

r hefferon

still such a great movie after 19 years

Jaiaron Day

it was a really cgood mobuie


They need a part 2

Jozef Harvey

this movie brings back memories

Ferrari Red

and his stylist should drink bleach

Zakk Pettway

this movie is so cool!

Babby James

I wish they made a #2

Angulus Bridges

y tf he get the pie like that wtf wrong with him

Colin F

who came here from watching the YouTube short


awesome movie, Wil Smith did it again!!!

Humberto Martinez

yea till ur livin it