I, Tonya - 2017
Competitive ice skater Tonya Harding rises one of the ranks at the U. S. Figure Skating Championships, however her future in the sport has been thrown into uncertainty when her ex-husband intervenes.
Johnnie Bosley
I remember when all that happened watching the news back then that was a big big deal what they say she did but I still love Tonya Harding
dead zero
I can't believe the people that actually did it only got 18 months and she got her life ripped away. she never even wanted that
Travis Fresh
poor girl, she deserved better in life.
Poor Tonya...didn't have much of a chance with her father abandoning her as a child, her abusive mom and ex husband. I hope that she's in a better place.
Rachel Read
I have such a girl crush on Margot Robbie
Neal Roberts
her mom was the one that messed her up
Ashley Yakam
I can't stand to watch this I can't believe her life was runied over some idiot my god. like literally they are all idiot
I rooted for Tonya back then. I thought she was a better skater than Nancy. and shame on the skating judges for not scoring her ONLY on her performances. that's such bullshit!! it's cheating! they owe Tonya some way overdue apologies!
Bekki Wampler
That Shawn character needs to learn how to eat properly, AND to stop with his delusional crap. l feel bad for Tonya I truly do. She was indeed very talented and that ruined her career completely. I hope she has found peace tho
Charles Lehner
I really am happy for you, Tonya. Your mom was a c u n n I e
Andrea Milner
She really didn't deserve what she got
Ava nikki Brooks Rose Rose
i love this movie
seems like they wanted her out of skating and when they seen a shot, they took it. that's messed up.ðŸ˜
Melissa zarate
it's amazing how a true trash mouth could have such beauty and grace in her body language on that ice
Albert Arias
I was watching YouTube her mother was abusing her and I was shocked
Chante Rocio-Brown
the momma is sad asf smh she's the reason why Tonya life fucked up
shows how dating the wrong person cab literally ruin your life...
abigail Purvis
good movie
Ava nikki Brooks Rose Rose
i love 5his movie
monica moses
Wow 😲 Well Told
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