Identity Thief - 2013
He hits the road in an effort to foil the burglar -- a visit which places him in the path of a woman when a mild-mannered businessman learns his identity was discharged.

Bebe Mija

Melissa nails the character and loved the great appearances

Charley Baugh

Kentucky here

Richard Duenas

Melissa McCarthy character is a crazy ass bitch. I heard somewhere that Melissa McCarthy is related to Jenny McCarthy she married Donnie walburg idk if it's true

Elijah Nesbitt

that's crazy after so much drama and her actually doing something to actually try to help this guy I would give her pass but maybe that's just me

Charley Baugh

funny love it

Tonya Kline

love this movie

Jahsiah Anderson

She punched him in the throat!

Tara White (Nurse Terra)

Melissa McCarthy stopped making funny films. Tammy was the best!

Mo'Nique Cousin

I loVe this Movie 🍿 it's very funny

Patricia Brown

love this movie. both are hilarious together.

Brittany Stigleman

I absolutely love Melissa McCarthy

Karen Middleton

Southern Illinois

Elijah Nesbitt

do they like ribs

Melissa Merrill
