I'm Gonna Git You Sucka - 1988
When his brother expires, jack Spade returns against the army in his old ghetto area. Jack admits war on Mr. Big, influential local crimelord. His army is led by John Slade, his childhood idol who was able to fight with bad guys in the 70s.
Mister B
One of my favorite comedy flicks. "You can either go out the window, or take the stairs."
Glenn Carver-seabrook
anything involving the Wayans family is comedy gold, no pun intended
Momma Mia
"Lenny you mad @ me ?" "I'm gonna be mad with you on the way that these stairs"
Momma Mia
"bitch better have my money through rain sleet or snow my hoe betta have my money not some not have but all my cash cuz if she don't I'm gonna put my foot dead in her ass"ðŸ˜
Jolyne Webb
good favorite funny old school movie of mines
Jon Doe
"until another peice of po' white trash shot him in the head,Whoo preach" lol
Glenn Carver-seabrook
this movie led to in living color
Keda Moo
a oldie but goodie
Edward Winrow
I'll take the mf window
Idella Brady
this is hilarious
Deondrey mccoy
fuck it the stairs
steven ingram
o yea
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