Indecent Proposal - 1993
Robert Redford stars as billionaire John Gage, who offers $ 1 million for the ability to a down-on-his-luck yuppie husband to spend the night with all the person's wife.

Lance Hopkins

one thing that gets to me about this movie she's still hangs around the guy I know it's just a movie but still that's what really can happen she still hangs around the billionaire I would get a divorce call her a slut and move on to the next now that would be a good ending for th

Lance Hopkins

so it's a cool movie but for all you men out there that are having problems never do that to let another man sleep with your wife there's so many ways to financially help each other. like I said there's no way in hell where I let a man sleep with my wife no matter how rich he is

Lance Hopkins

because if she loves me and I love her there's no other man involved no other woman involved in our marriage it's just me and her we go through the bad times and the good times but there's no way in hell would I allow a billionaire trillionaire or whoever is that rich Bill Gates

Jason Webb

$1,000,000. . . What woman wouldn't want to be with a billionaire? That sure the hell beats struggling pay check to pay check. There is no way I could blame her for leaving. As the husband, I'd feel betrayed and heart broken. The odds of getting another woman as hot as she is???

Lance Hopkins

as far as big as the ocean as big as the universe I would never allow a man no matter if he gave me a billion dollars to sleep with my wife I guess me my wife would just have to find good jobs to support ourselves if we lost our property well I guess we will rent apartment

Lance Hopkins

the way this movie should end he should call her a slut she still hangs around the guy get divorced and move on to the next cuz she's still hanging around them she's a slut and she likes him yeah I would divorce her that's the way this movie should end


Anybody can fuck my wife for a million. its cool

Hector Rascon


Bruce Gipson


Dewayne king Solomon

classic movie


wasted that woman's time

Bruce Gipson

but Mexicans huh

eli rios


Mike G

demi was hot

Ty'Asia Johnson
