Infinite - 2021
A troubled young man haunted by memories of two past lives stumbles upon the centuries-old secret society of similar individuals and dares to join their ranks.
Elayne Brant
I've died 4 times on the operating table and it does open you up to the other dimensions of this reality. I've lived entire lifetimes in dreams. I've been so out of touch to this reality that I couldn't tell if I was awake or dreaming. No drugs involved just sleep and food depriv
Edward Rivera
I do believe on the other after our death sometime see place ever been but I was there inone time like dea vu and see like premonition before it happen.
I don't understand why people always have to involve, God, Jesus christ, the holy father 🙏, which ever way you want to call him. when its just a movie so enjoy the movie and call it the night.
Elayne Brant
I see things happen before they happen I see dead people I speak to ghosts but that's because I've died on the operating table for times and have come back to life I've met Jesus each time I've died I've met Jesus in my dreams he took me to the throne room he wants me to paint it
Patrick Baca
all that matters to is to abolish these stinkying monkeys before they find away out of there cages and affect other spices he thought he could teach theses filthy monkeys so far they haven't learned how to unlock there DNA. as long as we can keep them on this prison ball
Carlos M
I have this issue with my memory. my mind is extremely strong. I remember being crusified and it gave me powers over all nine realms. I got this from our Father God and our mother Gaia. Having to do this is a honor they taught me a lot. I am Metatron now. I have had many names.
Shirle Beasley
Damn good movie Mark Wahlberg did it again
Rashawn Morris & shawmay morris
for some reason I believe this movie was made about my life I really believe that I've been here been here before that's why I'm so good at writing poetry and music 🎶...
Stephen Carson
if he didn't want to be reincarnated , why didn't he just shoot himself in the head with the device?
Ari Rayner
Only black people can ascend to heaven that's the truth of why everyone hates us so much we are Gods Children made in his image
to the human beings that think that these things cannot be true I can assure you these things can be true and they do exist there are people out there that are exactly like this I for one am one of them. I've been circumnavigating The Universe for a very long time.
Teresa Keene
awesome concept and I believe. I can't say that I've been through what they're going through but I died twice from two different accidents I've been in prior to that I have premonitions as a child so I believe there's something after death and whether you believe it or not it's--
gotta say,very well done ! Believe what you will, however all theology, philosophy,and science,speak,and validate continuity.
Take it as you will,but I know it's the truth of us. Go deep and realize that you're no freak. Stop hiding from what consciousness is providing. I dare.
It's darkness just darkness I'm not a killer I'm not a rapist I'm not a bad person if I couldn't get to heaven crying out for Jesus For those people that come back talking about they seen dis and they seen that are full of shit... And I was dead for 5 minutes brought back to life
Ronald Ellerbee / Ricky
this is one of his best...5 stars...
Sheek Alston
I have deja vu a lot, but that's about it. when I was in high school, I used to know who would be around a corner, or in the bathroom before I got there, but it was only about 10 seconds in this lifetime, not some other lifetime.
Joe Joel
◾They should find out how CPR is really done before they try & make another movie.
Trump 2024 & 2028
I don't even want to see this anymore,to many people in here have already died and came back...And people seeing things before they happen.No Thanks! Me too Movement in here!
Elijah Nesbitt
no you're freaking crazy I haven't even seen this movie but I know what that guy's talking about when you're super close to dying and then wake up to this world all that other stuff was real
Jason Webb
There are some movies that should have never been made. Then there are some thar need to go on. This is a movie that definitely deserves to go on. I give it a 8.5 out of 10. Great movie.
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