Inglourious Basterds - 2009
In Nazi-occupied France during World War II, a group of Jewish American soldiers known as"The Basterds" are chosen specifically to spread fear through the entire Third Reich by scalping and viciously killing Nazis. Even the Basterds, lead by Lt. Aldo Raine soon cross paths using a French-Jewish teenaged girl who runs on the picture theatre in Paris which is targeted at the soldiers.

Chris Jackson

I absolutely love this movie! if I had it my way I'd carve a L on every liberal politicians head! since there so similar to Nazis. Trying to force us to speak and believe as they do. Fascism sucks!

yahoshi Ben

You know what's real sick?They get they Justice did not see skill the so-called jewels and they got they Justice.Black people never got they Justice.Black people was enslaved 400 years.They have died in a line of their oppressed and still is being died , but yet they didn't get r

yahoshi Ben

We can't wait till when the tables turned when we received Justice.When black people couldn't receive Justice just like this can hunt down the presses.They are presses and kill them the death.Nobody else could receive Justice.Only europeans they can receive they justice did not s

Nilda Ferrer

I only wished the woman in the red dress survived. awesome freaking movie 🎬

Anthony Magda

If a person cannot see that much of QT's work is totally tongue in cheek then they are a hopelessly ignorant human being to begin with, right?

Loretta Boren

Tarantino and Guy Ritchie need to collaborate on a project. What a movie that would be


it's not that they're Jewish that makes them repulsive and disgusting it's that they absolutely know that Christ was and did exist and that they continue to be disbelievers that is God himself for soak his own people because they were non-believers. unfaithful pieces of shit

Carlos Alba

only in a movie could you make rats into heros and the German soldier into a villan boo shame on you tarantino

Jeffrey Tsalote (Enki)

I know it's a movie but going into the whole plan with no good reason as to why your leg is in a cast and with back up details?? That concept seems silly to me being as the planners are seasoned soldiers.

yahoshi Ben

We can't wait when the tables are turned when hashim gives justice for black people

1487 Halko

What's Pitiful is there are Thousands of NAZIES here in the USA the US government MADE philthy Rich..In Trade for Weapon Secrets and Continued Reserch...

kill streak

good fucking movie


If Hitler Didn't Turn On Stalin We All Be Under Nazi Germany Regime on the East Coast And The West Coast We Be Under Japanese Control


I seen an interview and Quentin Tarantino was smoking the same pipe as the "Jew hunter" used in this movie or so it looked like it

Tony Foster

You have too have a very good sense of humor and humor with conscience watching a q t flick

11B10 Inf

I liked the movie, just didn't know I have to pay for it now. The app started out free, but now it isn't!


I feel sorry for any white man trying to pursue a white woman that is a lover of black cock

Maraline Kozial

good movie yes but overrated thanks to all the newer rookie QT fans


I would like to find a mp 40 machine gun

Benny Angasan

the cinematography in this movie is great!