Into the Storm - 2014
Its occupants have little reason to think it will be anything other than ordinary, as a brand new day begins in the town of Silverton. Mother Nature, however has different plans. In the span of just a few hours, an unprecedented onslaught of tornadoes ravages Silverton. Storm trackers predict that the worst is to come, as residents seek refuge, and conduct ahead of the danger, hoping to study the occurrence up close and receive yourself a shot.

Vicki Mohon

worth watching 3 times a day it ended up sooooo good and heartwarming I was crying best Storm movie ever I found it on Google; searched best tornado movies I love it to say the least everyone should watch it

this is how jacob die bc he was recorded some tornados and running to the firenado and come to it and the firewall got revenge and his camera got stuck in and the firenado bomb him and he was getting suck in the firenado r.i.p Jacob 2014.

Ryder Putesoy

I remember watching at my uncle's house years ago on DVD and I loved it. I can't believe this app has into the storm

i know it a movie copyer of twisters but I sill love this tornado movie 🌪

Mallow Starship

"they're bigger than golfballs!" they're the size of marbles dude...

Katie Mills

I watched into the storm a thousand times. that's how I became a weather Expert

Landon Nissley

the 2 dude's at the end I thought they were dead

David Tinoco

if only the u.s spent more money into distorying them instead of militiary. but think about how many greedy rich poeple that would take advantage and get land for cheap.


what is the best movie ever I just want this movie [006


This movie is the best into the storm is great I watch this everyday

Aaron Vargas

firenado is crazy

1th twister 2th into the storm 3th 13 mins.


I am thinking about becoming a storm chaser

Amanda Kiely

I like this app

Kasandra Justiniano

damn that was a great movie I loved the stories very different would watch again

Christian Elias

Yall are bots, BTW (I'm a human)

EF5 have to be the best scene ngl

La Meech

haven't watched this in so long it was good to watch it again 😭😊

Julian Pina

its not completely all how tornadoes work but this is awsome

Scott Morton

hillbilly Olympics