Iron Man - 2008
Billionaire engineer Tony Stark creates a weaponized suit of armor to resist evil after being hauled in an Afghan cave.

{shinning 0livia}

my first "marvel" movie was something about spider man then death squad or something like that then I watched venom (which is so good) then I'm watching this i barely watch movie and shows in general I mostly watch YouTube and stuff then I seen venom and I was like oh this

Fabian De hoyos

is anyone watching this in 2022

ralph roodney

the greatest legendary of avengers

Michael Pemberton

For an arrogant prick and screw-up, Robert Downey Jr. did a fantastic job of acting the part of an arrogant prick and screw-up, Tony Stark. I still do not like either of them. Pepper Potts, on the other hand won my heart, and Gwyneth Paltrow is an 11/10 in my estimation.

sonic gamer

I'm trying to watch All the movies in order so I can follow the story and I searched up on yt how to do it rn and I'm watching them

Robert Carter

iron man one of Marvel's best, beyond classic, love this app for allowing me to see the series, gotta love the app 💪🏾

Tammy DeBoard

He played Iron man for 11yrs before they killed him off in End Game. I love Iron Man. It's sad that he's gone. Goodbye Tony Stark.


and Robert Downey Jr is the best MCU ever he's a great actor hencefor that's why he got paid the most of all the other marvel characters and there's a lot of good characters but Robert Downey Jr is by far the best hands down 💯💯💯💯💯💯

Douglas Jackson

I am having problems, it won't let me watch anything without stopping. I need help with it... Also you took 3 months from my checking account when I was trying to pay for one month...

Jon Smith

to bad super heros weren't real!!!! wtf we get this cool world we live in but just imagine if iron man was real same with Batman all the jokes that would be made bout the bat

GA Paranormal

lmao....yall have this movie rated higher than Avatar..... omg .. a marvel Dick rider must b doing the ratings by the looks if it....besides RDJ abd the first part if the movie this is not even top 5 best Marvel movies...and that's saying alot considering

Lauren Brennan

Started watching Marvel because of Noah Jay Wood

cardell Briggs

Marvel I'm 64 I've been a Ironman fan for years change is good but how can u expect us to continue to follow when your allowing the most interesting character to become a bad guy.???? I'll always be a marvel fan but with less interest as you have done finding a way find one to R


2022? "Oh hell yeah" U no how we get down. Special late night viewings one after the other basically do the whole gambet, And then once you hit rock bottem we selectivity run through the very best of the very best one more again then ya know back to the front a little off the top


I got all the iron Man's The avengers guardians of the Galaxy I got all these in 3D it's amazing

Nicaea AlcanterAlvarez

Don't forget about the short scenes after all these marvel movies! they hold somewhat valuable details!

Kai Paige

bro this movie is so good the part where Tony stark was in the mark l it was so awesome 👍

Bella Del Sarto

The amount of times i've watched this movie is unhealthy


bro I do not like these apps but let's delete this app is just you know my name so like that's not watch this freaking app is freaking sucks he's always asking me

Rich Duenas

one of the best marvel movies made besides Infinity War, End Game,Thor Ragnarok, Averages, Civil War ,and The Winters Soldier all great movie's