It Chapter Two - 2019
27 years after hammering the supernatural supernatural entity penny-wise, this Losers' Club's former members, who've grown up and moved away from Derry, are brought by a phone call.


Like the 90's version the second part of IT is also not as good as the first part.The story just isn't as engaging or captivating with the adults as it is with the kids. The kids have a way of demonstrating their reasonable fear.Being afraid of clowns as an adult is a bit pathetic :)


Different, had some 80s elements to the film. But seeing people puke up and people turning into insects and spiders and dark dingy rooms is enough to put you off your beer and popcorn. They dont make horror films like they used to in the 60s and 70s. The Hammer films were great.


Bro the dude in the pink shirt in the beginning thought he did something😂😂 Like bro u just embarrassed your self, could've just walked Away

Alexander Hogue

Hate Gay

Keira Collier

for some reason I feel bad for it 😑idk why... I would have helped it at that point... ik he is a villan but I mean😭he is older than the planet but still got his ass beat by what?.. 30 yr olds? he probably saw Richie masturbating before. 🥲I don't think anyone deserves that😒


Scary movie? More like a disaster, no amount of budget can save this from going straight down the sewer! You can have all the Hollywood cast, big budget CGI and still not complete with Stranger Things, which this undoubtedly is!

Raymond Latvala

dude I would have beat the f*** off those I'll beat the brick off those f****** teenagers dude I don't give a f*** if it's illegal couple teenagers come running up on me like that dude f****** break their goddamn legs I hate that s*** I hate that kind of Cruelty


In a nutshell this film was awful and a total joke. What were they thinking with this one?The first chapter was good, but here they completely fell off the rails with this.


Think they have lost the plot! Gone off the story, hope there is not another one? Liked first one.Too many special effects and strange happenings, too many of them attacked and losing it, between fact fantasy.

Connie Mcelveen

I will come back if it weren't because of you filthy kids I am the eater worlds oh take out your friends Billy Georgie he won't be taking I am controlling him as my puppet every 25 years I crave you I missed you oh woh woh hah🤡🎈☠️😈👻👹💀 you might have broke my heart but hehe

Giavonna Capretta

I Love When Eddie Said "I Love When Eddie Said You Should Cut That Fucking Mullet It's Been Like 30 Years Man" I Was Laughing For A While😂😂


Despite how creepy and scary an evil clown monster is, the most disturbing scene was the with human-on-human violence early on. The horror from that scene definitely set a tone.

Kenz michael

But was I the only one who wanted to beat up the stupid teenagers at the beginning. I kinda hope penny wise killed them

LaRessa Annie Mai Jeffriez

Tha original "It" was way better no matter what handz down but Im glad they came out wit Chapter 2 kuz it givez u tha out look of their lifez as thy got older Issa fan of all scary moviez thy did a good job on tiz film it is better than most 2nd partz 2 other moviez I like it[050

Javier Perez

deddikeidejriejeijdendidbdiendisjsuxisndidndjdjshkssksndudndkdidcidndidxhxdjdjdjxjdjcjdnxjx dkxnxmxmsmxkexkxkdhdgdvfghtvgedshfffdhdhrdsgssswwwsfffgyghrttjhuuuhhgjghffhfvkynhybhukhggfdddkttfffkhghkyhgbgcstwretdtdtffjhhhjfgfdderffghdygfixhcgfgdgdgduthyhgghh


16:00 The guy playing adult Stanley could be Wyatt Oleffs dad or older brother? anyone see it?. They do look similar! why couldn't they get other adult stars to look similar to their younger counterparts??

the bat

a lot more jump scares then the first one their is better then the first one in my opinion but it did gross me out a little lol but the ending had me in tears

Jon Smith

y is there no cops in this town a metal patient escapes and runs a muck ppl r being killed and cut up and 5 new ppl to the town r running around acting crazy yet no cops r on to them dafuk

George Oesch

is it just me or do y'all find it a bit funny that Pennywise waits till they're done climbing a ladder or something to attack