Jack the Giant Slayer - 2013
The narrative of an early war that's reignited when a farm hand unwittingly opens a race of giants and also a gateway between our society. The giants make an effort to recover the land they lost, forcing the young man . Struggling to get a kingdom, its own people, and also the love of a brave princess, '' he comes face to face with the unstoppable warriors he thought only existed in legend--also gets the chance to become a legend himself.

Antonio Pinson

I understand that the movie is not true and it's obviously fictional but if they have a future like ours where planes and rockets come in to play then the beans don't matter then u can just fly up there lmao.

Clinique Boulden

he should have struck a deal with the Giants that any time that they need their help against the enemy they will come and help and in return he would do something for them that wouldn't hurt the people


"Jack The Giant Slayer " This Is My Favorite Movie Since I Was Little, It Is Awesome To See It Again๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ

Harris Berman

great freckin movie

flame of the Phoenix

If the giants lived in our times where we had bombs bullets and other stuff the giants would've been dead in a couple tank shots

Sal Siordia

awesome movie

Jimmy 'Yoma

Nice movie surely

courtney hatt

ever since I seen him in the Great he's always been a good actor

omar olsen

first time I have seen this. very good

Alfred Sebastian

love this movie. definitely could watch over and over again lol

George Weise

love this movie

Mark a Saye

I have this on DVD but I saw it here and I it



Elina Bagdasarova

it's good


is gient mens google lol

Missy Kavulla

Nice flick...very well done