Jeepers Creepers: Reborn - 2022
Forced to travel with her boyfriend to a horror festival, Laine begins to experience disturbing visions associated with the urban legend of The Creeper. As the festival arrives and the blood-soaked entertainment builds to a frenzy, she becomes the center of it while something unearthly has been summoned.

Deszell Daniels

as ablack man....... 1.) no black male would ever put himself in tht position after his girl done had too many coincidences 2.) why the hell as a black man u in backwater Louisiana surround by white ppl and you the only one of ur orientation. nah fam scary movie 1o1 real ones

Jermaine Jackson

this movie is trash. nothing like the original ones. the creeper is so far from the original... messed up a really good franchise

Jamile Young

this was absolute rubbish why would they ruin the entire franchise with this abomination after 1and 2 this whole thing went to hell rip jeepers creepers I was a big fan smh

Allishia Brooks

okay clearly they got this whole movie wrong the truck.... are you kidding me they made this f****** truck red and white the truck supposed to be dark and brown and full of blood and everything else like the first and the second movie I can't even take watching this full movie 😡


This was the worst film ever. This did not even belong in the franchise whatsoever. Part 1, 2, and 3 all made sense and stuck with the original storyline. All 3 films were apart of the same story. I have no idea of why they even wasted money making this. 4 thumbs down.

Duran Owens

they need to add the original people in this jeepers creepers 4 movie for real add the real people in it

Ms.Butterfly “LoSt SoUL” Turner

fuk this garbage 🗑️ y'all making bull shyt movies like who the fuck said this shyt was gd JC 1&2 BES MOVIES EVER this was move should go Bankrupt

fool grayson

the movie was trash it wasn't even the same guy that played jeepers creepers I waited to watch this shit I glad I didn't go to the movie and paid for this movie like so disappointed my thing is if they gonna do a part 2 0r 3 4 5 of a movie is important to have the same people

Shatstic Tibbs

I just kept shaking my head in embarrassment.... very hard to watch... stupid acting... the creeper didn't look creepy...he looked like a bum with a rain coat on.. extremely disappointing...wack ass silly shit..

matthew ford

not really the best one honestly liked 1 and 2 better then 3 and this one


tons of things wrong with this movie.dead giveaway is the camera they used and high contrast that show a typical amateur low budget film making. affects lame. jeepers creepers mask fake af. truck and clothes retarded. amateur actors always trynna look good. man. 👎👎

Rhonda Harkins

I didnt like 1 person in it...I was cheering for the Creeper the whole movie

Karlo Hoskins

I'm must say that this movie sucked thay could have done way better then this here...and why put the black man... in a black man in a Situation like this with this White woman because ain't no way a real black man gonna go to something like this

Utopia Allen

I've waited patiencely for this movie I didn't jump not one time n The movie is definitely not scary very disappointed

Michael Shaw

creeper no sorry bad special effects apply what's good special thanks garbage thumbs down

Chris Federico

worst movie you could ever watch don't know why they even put this movie out it legit is a disaster, compared to the original and the 2nd one this movie is terrible don't waste a minute of your time watching this

Mike Baldwin

stupid ass movie all the actors didn't no how to act !! this movie is full shit !! therefore no dam good two thumbs 👎👎

Sandra Stokes

So fucking stupid. Please don't make another one.

Angela Hill

I'm sorry but this isn't even scary, 1,2, and 3 was actually scary. This one doesn't make sense, and what was up with the albino crow, they got the truck all wrong, and he never changed his license plate. This is straight trash 🙄🤬😡😠😤

Hilliard Mc Alpin

After 40 minutes in, it was apparent that the producers only wanted to cash in on the Jeepers Creepers franchise. Acting is horrendous, plot and pacing are turtle slow and non-existent, and dialogue is terrible. Do not waste your time on this movie. ⭐