JFK - 1991
New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison discovers there's more into the Kennedy assassination than the story.

Lloyd Mars

if this right here doesn't show you just how sorry our government is then I'm selling you ocean front property in Oklahoma

Vernon Winston

I LIKE PRESIDENT BIDEN. Now, ookkay, he ain't NO "CELEBRITY PRESIDENT", but he wears his "morals & ethics" onhissleeve, HE MEANS WELL. (C'mon everybody, OFF TA' MAYBERRY WE GOOOO) I like President Biden.


and now u know why i dont trust politians

Solon Denis

I love đź’ž every parts of this movie

Jamal McCoy

sheesh If only Oswald could have lived to see how famous a man he has become

Jeff Recob

I want the president to have a working brain cell

Jamal McCoy

fantastic movie with an all star cast