Jungle - 2017
In 1981, an enthusiastic young adventurer follows his dreams into a guide with a past and the Bolivian Amazon jungle together with just two friends. Their travel becomes a frightening ordeal since the elements of human character and the dangers of this wilderness lead to an all out fight for survival.

Jeffery Scherrer

I, too, am in a jungle...of south Mexico ...I am far, far away from those who love me.. I am determined to return to them...somedays i am championed for one more step...i will not stop..the face of my daughter shines upon me..I thank God for His faithfulness

Javier Lara

Great Movie especially the spiritual side of within ✨️ conquer or be conquered πŸ™ πŸ˜€ πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ πŸ˜‰

J Hayes

bet he stay out them woods now hell

Tim Bogan keene

I'd seen this before but it was a second viewing, good movie

Danielle Cagg

what happen to Marcus and karl?

Aki Brickhouse


Suzanne Camphouse

don't know if it picks up cause it put me right to sleep.

Trema Goodman

welcome to the jungle

Jesse Flora

interesting but disgusting

Elvie Torrevillas

ayaw mag play

Hadassah Summers

I'm going to feel bad after this