Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Two - 2024
An endless army of shadow demons bent on the destruction of all reality swarms over our world and all parallel Earths! The only thing opposing them is the mightiest team of metahumans ever assembled. But not even the combined power of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and all their fellow superheroes can slow down the onslaught of this invincible horde. What mysterious force is driving them? And how do the long-buried secrets of the Monitor and Supergirl threaten to crush our last defense?

Christopher Moss

Whereas part one of Crisis started off slow, part two of Crisis had a much better pace. But that's just my personal opinion. Looking forward to part three of the Crisis Saga.

M. Dixon

DC has lost the war vs Marvel. So tired of Batman. He's human, he's at least 80 years old in the comics. They bring out the same ppl in these movies. like where's firestorm, Shazam, Man Hunter, Black canary and more.

Jermaine Kennedy

Well. I hope poetry is better than 1 or 2.It doesn't make sense but it doesn't make sense.But it's just sad and horrible

Tommy Kasey

Y'all say what you want Bout DC Crisis, it's just an animation series based on the comics. Personally I enjoy watching what I have originally read in comics come to "life" so to speak. Y'all just hang on to y'all's big boy panties when Marvel brings out SECRET WARS. HAVE A G-DAY

Gottie Ward

king shark is a shark nothing to do with the movie just a king shark fan

Fitzroy Muhammad

not exactly. what I've would have expected, The story needs work lots of work no real drama not a lot of action No climax, This is a whole lot shorter than last night's erection. Sounds like these writers and directors are afraid to take risk.

A Kiss

I didn't think it was too bad a little long but the third one has to kick ass for me to even want to watch any of these again the build up has got to make sense so let's get ready for the finale I must say it was kind of cool seeing the bat family fight

GA Paranormal

I see marvel fans have flooded in....lol they must not have anything worth watching lmfao


the hero say the whole city and they Justice League defeated the whole monster the black all black monsters they said the whole city this is good

Kevin S. Hollis

Rainbow Warrior, That sounds GAY...

Ronnie Price

I'm not halfway yet and so far this cartoon is like I'm watching a real movie besides a cartoon. So, whoever put this together they did a damn good job so I give it two thumbs up 👍 👍......


why does Charles sound like he supposed to be in x men 97?

GA Paranormal

course they made Kara fine AF lol....

Michael Puntorno

me too. I hope green lantern gets his ring back.


is it me or that guy in red and black yellow face is the same voice actor of calypso from the 2012 twisted metal reboot game?!


The movie was pretty decent part.One was actually a lot better but it's a very good watch.I definitely give it a

zay allen

it's just a build up film for the 3rd part



Fuck you google Fuck the NWO

they couldn't pick up more annoying voice actress for Supergirl 😡🤦🏽👎🏽

Greg Roman

genius fkkkn!!!! FKKKN genius !!!! there will be a part 3.....!!