Karen - 2021
A racist Southern woman who goes to extremes to drive off her new black neighbours.
Verrhonda “VV Leigh” Prindle
My Mother raised me to only pay attention to a person's actions and personality. She had a heart of Gold and never met a stranger. I pride myself in being the same and I believe you never judge someone cause you sin differently. We are all God's Children
Barbara Jean
racism is wrong bottom line no matter who you are. this is to every race, just stop hating . we all have the right to be here and to be who we are no matter what anyone else thinks. don't let anyone get you upset for being you,there not worth your time. we're all equal.
Pearline Bennett
when the officer got pop in the center of his forehead, will always be satisfying to me, sorry but not sorry.
Trevis Gary
wow they made a movie about real life events that's going on in the world they literally tell us things in movies listen what good or great moment in America can we say for our people we don't have one this country never gave I care about people like us I'm just woke
Princess Kida
lol when the whole antifreeze thing happened I accidentally yelled "she wants some BBC BABY !!!😂💀😂
play Time T.V
thing is,. it happens, maybe not to these extremes, but it definitely does. I'm not sure why this movies get a 2.2 when its this good. other than being emotionally on edge the whole time.
christina mendivil
man I can't believe how disrespectful she was no matter what I can't stand any body who is a KAREN !!
Amyrez Harrisz
I wish I was there to choke the shit out of her until her eyes pop out of her skull 🫶🏿
Craig Moreland
We are not all GOD'S children. John 8:44
You Have to Ask GOD for forgiveness of your sins And That You Accept JESUS As Your LORD AND SAVIOR Because You Believe That JESUS Died On The Cross for Your sins. Romans 10:9-13
Tracy Rieon Hall
this couldn't have been me because Karen would've gotten set straight and put in her place immediately there wouldn't have been a second time because after that she would've gotten carried out on a stretcher in a body bag. I will only tell you once to leave me tf alone
I liked the movie The fight scene made no sense .. she dropped the sword to start tussling .when she coulda killed her in the hallway. and Karen coulda shot her before she got stabbed in the leg..
And they got the lawyer from every injustice case at the end lol.
Shamilia “Miss Green” Brown
Curtis Swafford
but I'll tell you this. there's one institution that's not racist. it's called hell. hell takes every color. we are nothing without god. nothing. turn to god. pray before speaking when you wake.the end is here. you don't have to open your eyes ask god to show you he will. pray.
Curtis Swafford
if you think you are good. the bible states. - there is not one that is righteous not one.- meaning no one is good. not you not me not that preacher you listen to or the evangelist. not Joyce Meyer or Joel Osteen. everyone FALLS SHORT OF GOD. EVERYONE. AND YOU HAVE TO REPENT.
Craig Lyons
It's sad to say but racism will always be in this world by someone. only in Christ Jesus can people's hearts and minds change, and not all people will accept his spirit that it may mold them to love every race. But those that don't look at color but see the person, excellent.
RyanAngel Ready
wonderful 👍 movie and I'm not just talking about because it's about BLACK LIVES MATTER but since I've had this app I fill this is the best one🤷they uploaded
Felix Austin
better wake up racists because your hatred for other races will be your downfall. mark my words. I'm not black so get that thought out of your head, I'm white and I have nothing but love and respect for black Americans including all other races plus the gays and transgenders
Tracy Rieon Hall
Karen would've never gotten into my home or disabled my alarm so easy all alarms aren't connected to the main power source. Oh I would've let her break in but as soon as she stepped all the way in I would've blasted her dead where she stood.
Felix Austin
with dirty racist cops like that I would have a small hidden camera recording the interior of the vehicle incase a dirty cops trys to plant drugs or anything else and use that video against him. he wouldn't be able to deny it then
Tracy Rieon Hall
I would never buy a house in a HOA neighborhood because no one is going to tell me what I can or can't do in my home that I paid for
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