Kick-Ass 2 - 2013
After kick ass' mad bravery inspires a new wave of crusaders , he unites a patrol. Merely the can prevent their annihilation -- like The Mother Fucker -- when Red Mist hunts these amateur superheroes.

Telah Douglas

they should make kick ass 3

Kenneth Davis

They should make a 3rd one.. maybe hit girl is grown up and gets into something and kick ass is now like a big or something

Glenn Carver-seabrook

The fight between Hit Girl and Mother Russia was epic. Also, they are making a third movie, I hope Night Bitch is in it.

smokey freeze

I concur, but I think they knew what we all won't say ...🤐. it's either going to be garbage or no where near as good as the first 2.😔, but I'll still watch it

Kylan Green

bro this is one of the best fucking movies ever this is something I can watch over and over again even the first one to

Rhonda Brown

good movie


I don't think I like McLovin as a super villain. just a little call back. to another great movie SUPERBAD.


as silly as it is, its a pretty good movie and need to make a 3rd one

Sherwood Robinson

when's kick ass 3 coming out. hit girl is the truth


I can't wait for the next kick ass movie that's being worked on currently

kingrocky Trevino

I love this moive

Joshua Kalor

I wish they made a Kick-Ass 3 or that they would make one

Jon Smith

so I seen they r making a kickass 3 and than I find out it's a reboot wtf y not just make a part 3 y do they need to change it

Prince Ed

What you should do with Tom just change it to Rick, then it will be Rick and Morty.

Esau Mike

this is good news movies

Bani Toby

they should make kick ass 4 when they have there kids and they are adults



Jon Doe

Chloe is so freaking cute

Axton Malinak

the mother f*****