Kidnap Capital - 2016
Imagine leaving all you've got, everyone you know supporting. Having to cross of a continent by walking, atop cargo trains, interior truck trailers. Swimming across rivers that are uncontrolled. Crossing boundaries illegally. Walking across the Arizona desert. Being shot at, robbed and beaten. Raped. Surviving everything. Crossing after lifetime from the poorest areas of Central America, into the USA. Succeeding. Now. From the"promised" property, you never belong, legally. Or socially. The language isn't understood by That you. No one knows you arrived, no one knows you exist. Imagine.... Being Nobody. Then imagine a bag has been pushed your mind over. Getting the clothes stripped out of you. Getting tossed with a couple others in a room. A loaded gun is pointed at your mind. You are made to call back home and beg for money.
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