King Kong - 1933
A film crew discovers the"eighth wonder of the world," a huge prehistoric ape, also brings him back again to New York, where he wreaks havoc.

Tony “TonyBe” Berrios

The Original One and Only ..... KING KONG AND NEW YORK !!! now that was a Movie without all dem Special Effects and gave You Nightmares Still , HooRah !!! KING KONG & THE GIRL !!!

Gary Nicholas

Greatest horror flick ever made in the USA:)

Darin Barrows

The King will never grow old! Long live the King!

Darin Barrows

The best monster movie of all time!!


such a classic that the original version never gets old .. brilliant movie

Clay Skinner

Best film of any kind ever made.

Veronica Powell

if they just made it in color it will be the better 👎

Wendy Ordonez

I would've left I wouldn't even be on the boat😭

Elle Scorpio

When humans can't control something, they kill it.

alianza alianza

king Kong on the empire state building

Le'Andrey Duncan

long live the king of the apes

Gene Hamilton

King Kong yep

Davie Henry

King of the apes

John Rodriguez

love it


I agree