Kiss of Death - 1995
Jimmy Kilmartin can be a excon dwelling in raising a family, wanting to stay clean and Astoria in the new york borough of Queens. But when his cousin Ronnie causes him to take a fall for driving a illegal transfer of cars, a police officer called Calvin Hart is injured and Jimmy lands back in prison. In exchange for an earlier release, he is asked to help bring a crime boss down. Jimmy remarries and attempts to reestablish a partnership. But infiltrate his operations and Detective Hart sends him to get the job done well with Junior. After Small Junior reaches an undercover federal agent with Jimmy the district attorney and also the feds further reevaluate his entire life. He must take Junior down or face the results.

Jason Webb

How have I never heard of this movie?

Kathy Delcoure

David Caruso is great in this movie.

Mama D

excellent movie

John Winston

An all star cast
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