Kraven the Hunter - 2024
El inmigrante ruso Sergei Kravinoff está en una misión para demostrar que es el mejor cazador del mundo..

Luscifous Wolfbayne

these people who upload these movies are ass- backwards...put the movie in English, what the hell we supposed to understand in another language. All the other movies are English why would you put this up in another language. that's just annoying

Darrell Richardson

whoever downloads these movies if you can read this comment the next movie I'm waiting on is werewolves if it's not too much trouble can you download it in f****** English please

Corey Johnson

I've been waiting to watch this movie since earlier this year and now that I can watch it that's all I can do because I can't understand Russian

Christopher Bourne

I want to continue watching this but I can't understand it I can only see it which is very boringjust the facts


why not put this movie in English so we all can understand what the hell they are saying been waiting on this movie and now can't even understand what they are saying 😒

mitch Balko

This Sucks ! It's Only in Spanish ! I have Premium and I get for my money is Low Quality! I'm ending my service. It's been getting less new stuff and more Crappy stuff and low budget foreign films without English and No Subtitles ! I'm Done with This Bullshit. 💩👎

jesse williams

fucking bullshit i pay money for this shit are u fucking kidding me fuck off man do your job right or do not fucking add shit people cant understand worthless ur fucking fired why waste people money

Darrell Richardson

I can't understand s*** they're saying but the movie seems to be very good it would help if it been in English

Fresh Mny8

I waited all this year for this trash poor acting unrealistic moves then its in Spanish Goofys So far as who wanted to be Helpfull to the movie community Thanks alot azzhole ur idiot

Sherwood Robinson

been waiting 4ever 4 a movie I can't understand. Y is it not in English!!!


Been waiting since it was announced and started looking the moment December 13th hit... I bet everyone else's heart got ripped out when the realization hit that it was in Spanish but I am the only one who watched 15 minutes hoping it wasn't.

Mark a Saye

Can't understand the language. I am an American and speak only English. So don't bother me when you update it to HD. Let me know when you update it to English. Until then, a big fat thumbs down.

jesse williams

like watching fucking kung fu movie refund mf needs to be bitch slapped rick james bitch get the baby powder

Sherwood Robinson

Kraven is a Russian character so Y is it even dubbed in Spanish. wtf guys


Darrell me too, "Werewolves" 2024 (in theaters approx 2wks! Where are our "CAM" record ppl?). 👀👀 for "Nosferatu" 'bout vampires with actor, Bill Skarsgard who played "Pennywise" the clown in, "IT" 2017 & '19 movies. Release date, 12/25/2024. Oh yes horror movies Xmas day😳

Tony Rushing

Now who was the Genius to upload this movie that 95% of us only understands English... WOW

Eric Clancy

i watched about an hr of it and i don't understand as to how the movie is in Spanish but the singing is in English 🤔🫨😭

Corey Johnson

who knows how long I have to wait before they upload the movie in English

Jim Saylor

I enjoy being able to watch the camriped movies, but could someone tell the guy who is doing the cam ripping not to belch and fart during the entire movie? Thanks in advance. It's just not cool.

Dwayne Moss

unbelievable not even English subtitles whoever downloaded this should be kicked in the ass.