Lady Ballers - 2023
A once-great basketball coach is on a journey back to victory by reuniting his former high school championship basketball team, but this time, he’s challenging them to play like girls.

Adam Mathew

finally some producer with some balls telling it how it is and how sad it is that it's really happening and these trans acting like women but really a man is pathetic and the crazies need mental help

James Dahl

Some guy is gonna get his panties. All bunched up in rage over this. I sure hope he tapes it so we all continue to laugh

Valerie BK

it's funny but why does it say it's a horror flick

Tara White (Nurse Terra)

Why does this say HORROR?! I know a lot of these shows or films are a nightmare these days, but Horror? Really?


The last game was just men getting to be men!! personally, I like being the weaker sex. I like feeling protected and taken care of. So I'll jus keep celebrating men, for being better at everything!! Even so, come Lord Jesus!!!

Amanda Latham

be still my conservative and sarcastic heart

Ed Hand

love this movie!! super funny super accurate


this movie was made to win women's sports back for women. greedy men tried to take that from them.

Dwayne Bailey

finally somebody is showing just how hilariously wrong the woke ideology is, thank you to all the creators at daily wire for this fun and spectacular movie.

Jules Wesolowski-Coon

Hated it! Someone owes me 90 minutes of my life back. TF is yall thinking. smh! Sorry, not sorry!

Bigg Daddy

That is taking a topic and going balls out about how intellectuals of the modern age make themselves look like idiots. It was great to see the next generation learn from the mistakes of others to realize you do not have to be the best in everyt8ng, just be the best "YOU" you are

Filishea Bragg

I wanna know what happened to the badger in the basement


I kept flipping from laughing to pissed off.. remember, as slapstick as they made it this is still a pretty accurate depiction of what democrats have done to our society. it's absolutely insane!

Skate 4

just when I thought we were done with bangers for this year, this absolute masterpiece comes out and destroys every movie I thought was good this year, thank you daily wire.

Justin Smith

I love this movie. so hilarious! it's cool seeing daily wire peeps in a movie... also, the main character looks a lot like Mark Hamil, and who doesn't love Luke Skywalker?

Danuta Ruszczyk

WTF I just paid $4.99 and still can't watch it !!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Clinton “Dutch” Renskers

these fake ass women(men) need their ass's kicked by other men. that swimming piece of shit needs to be drowned. if I ever see him....

Clinton “Dutch” Renskers

also, white people only kill black people who rape white women. don't hear too much about white guys raping black women do ya...

Earl Jones

this movie is funny we just have to laugh at the silliness of it all

Frank G. Ruiz

love it! made me laugh at reality!
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