Lake Placid - 1999
The local Game Warden teams up with a paleontologist out of newyork to discover the monster If a person is eaten alive by an unknown animal. Add to the mixture an eccentric philanthropist using a penchant for"Crocs", and here we go! This silent lake is the focus of a rigorous search for a crocodile with a taste for animals. . .and people!
did you all notice how the Black People stayed out of the water. That's cause WE respect nature ,and don't fuck with it like White People do. Always got to try the dominance of things till it Fucks around and kills Them. No thanks, rather go to a boring ass ball game.
Demetria McClendon
My favorite movie and Betty White is funny as heck in this movie.... May her soul forever rest well!!
angel garcia
Lake Placid is a controversial film that captures the imagination.
Allyson Garcia
algunos de estos comentarios son ridículos "los blancos son los únicos que se meten al agua, lo curioso es que los negros son los primeros en morir en las películas de terror NO LOS ESPAÑOLES QUE CONOCEMOS MEJOR"
Hallie Setters
Betty White is savage
Candy Miller
yes there is no black people goes in the water they are not like us white people I'm being honest
you're supposed to say go he didn't say go
Neal Roberts
so we have law and.order svu harry potter Chicago med 😆 🤣
Michael Duffy
it is a family movie me and my son loved it
Zhelus 21
the first one is good but the rest are like the sequels of jaws movies
Collin Waldschmidt
it's Mad eye Moody
Larry Selvage
is this a croc movie or a romance movie i mean get a room already
a fatter guy calls smaller guy fat, hilarious
Julie Benavides
I like this movie because it makes me laugh
This movie is CRAZY!!
Carol Mead
A Good Movie
best CGI ever
cast to tv
true yodah
Felicia Docgrand
it's ok
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