Last Action Hero - 1993
Danny is enthusiastic about a fictional movie character activity hero Jack Slater. When a magic ticket transfers him Jack's latest adventure, Danny finds himself in a universe where picture magic and reality collide. Today it's up to Danny to save the life of the hero along with brand new friend.
Shawn Humphreys
This is one of my favorites. love it. Bridgett Wilson.... she is so freaking fine. It should be against the law to be that sexy. She was married to Pete Sampras the pro tennis player.
frank couldn't say hello from behind the door and let him jack know its a bomb...i love this movie as a kid ans as adult movies in back in the day 90's was the best compared today
this movie is a little old but it's a great
Hugh Brown
always loved this movie!
never mind I thought you were a female
Matt Johnson
its one his best and one the best
mr benicdict played in games of thrones as the father lannisters
your sexy bridget
Greg Franzese
Great movie I love it!
Brian S
To be, or not to be..... Not to be!
Brian S
Most definitely a fun film...
Matthew lint
Sarah m Matt
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