Left Behind - 2014
A tiny set of Australians have been left behind after the rapture is suddenly vanished throughout by millions of people and the planet has been plunged into destruction and chaos.
God is good always,he loves beach one of us and sent his son Jesus Christ to die and take on every sin to cleanse those who decides to trust and believe in the blood of Christ! Jesus I choose u, I love you Lord Amen
Jypzi Love
You want to talk about a dumb blonde moment. Her brother disappeared while she was holding him.vwhy she checking hospitals & ambulances.vaand the script writer who wrote it has to be blonde. Where were her car keys? the original was better & made more sense.
Brian S
There is still a chance, even for those left behind... Turn to Jesus Christ
and this will really happened..when your family disappears in front of your eyes and you mad and screaming that someone stole your kids well let me give you a heads up..GOD GOT EM..THAN NOT ONLY THAT YOU WILL HAVE A CHANCE BUT WHAT DOES PEOPLE DO THEY GO OUT AND STEAL
Jypzi Love
I love Nicholas Cage, the movie is okay. But the original series with Kirk Cameron is better.
I'm Not Getting All Religious Or Anything That Can Wait For Sunday Morning Church Gotta Say Though It Is A GOOD Movie
Nicholas Cage will live in infamy . he keeps making all these stupid movies
this movie had nothing to do with the book. everything was wrong..
Christina Conley
It's a fictional movie!
Craig Byrd
Corrie Hunter
this movie dumb as hell 👎
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