Legend - 1985
Set in a timeless mythical forest inhabited by fairies, goblins, unicorns and mortals, this story follows a mystical forest dweller, chosen by fate, to undertake a heroic quest. He has to save the beautiful Princess Lili and defeat the demonic Lord of Darkness, and also the world will be plunged into a never-ending ice age.

Andre J Dean

The Lord Of Darkness is who I grew up thinking the Devil was. I remember when this movie came out I was 10 and everything about it scared the TF outta me as a child. I would have bad dreams about him running at me like in the movie and wake up screaming lol. Great Movie


I two was in my youth when I first saw this beautiful tale. I two prefer the original sound track. Kissed By The Sun. It seemed soa appropriate for such a tale as this, one of my all time favorites.

Louise Love

I love this movie. Tim Curry is amazing, he was great in Clue and remember him in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

G Vasquez

This movie is a classic. I remember hearing about the crown on Lilly head when she turned dark, the crown was mad3 from her real hair. like that was alsome to know how much work they put I to this movie and as a kid of maybe 8 or 9 I was in absolute love with the whole tale.


Blix did not have enough screen time...I loved That character so much growing up. Too bad the set burned down and Riddly Scott lost so much film who knows how much more awesome the film would have been..the man was so destroyed all he could do was to go play Tennis..

Joshua Fontes

hands down one of the best movies ever made been watching it since I was young

G Vasquez

This movi3 made me a fan of sci-fi movies and Tom cruises movies as well. The music was so great it was perfect for this movie. Great movie to have the whole family enjoy together..

Chico A.

couldn't have a better actor to play the Prince of Darkness. R.I.P. Tim Curry 💯💯💯💯

Baby Buddha

now he say no but Woman doesn't listen and that's Why everything got destroyed on this planet blamed on that woman

Ricky Mcafee

what is all the crap flying around n the air n this forest?bugs?it looks annoying??

Jared Tyson

The other soundtrack with this movie is way better.

Marisol Olmos

when tom cruise was normal


what is a bell that does not ring but makes the angels sing?


wtf I think I smoked to much as a teen, cuz this movie was on crack

Michael Bighetty

So this movie is saying that you don't have to die to get to hell?

Isis Crow

the music is different you tube the original

Wendy Curley

I have never seen this before .

Isis Crow

they changed the music in the movie

Thomas Sanchez

this movie his the best