Let Us Prey - 2014
Rachel, a rookie cop, is going to begin in a police station in a Scottish town. The sort of place where the tide went out and stranded a bunch of this aimless, the abandoned, the bitter-and-twisted who think thatthey must be somewhere else. All of them think they're there with just a little luck, life will get much better. Wrong, on both counts. Six is going to arrive - and Hell Will Break Loose!

Michele Lein

'Andre Linoge.' Brother of matchstick guy here who knows all. An incredibly powerful entity of the same species as Linoge. They are Legion. If you love this movie and want more of the same and have never seen 'Storm of the Century', give it a watch. Was a 1999 tv miniseries.

Michele Lein

This is looking really familiar. This is almost a carbon copy of the way Stephen King's 'Storm Of The Century' started out, and also a lot like the beginning '28 Days Of Night'.

Scot “scotty” Charron

this movie is mad rocks!!!!!

Michele Lein

Yup. 'Storm of the Century' clone on steroids.

Melissa Maheux (Lissa)

luv the ending. so good to b bad

Scot “scotty” Charron

the grim reaper has a new town

Scot “scotty” Charron
