Life of Pi - 2012
The narrative of an Indian boy called Pi, following a shipwreck puts them adrift in the Pacific Ocean, a zookeeper's son who finds himself with a Bengal tiger, zebra, orangutan, and a hyena.
jorge alfonso
I love revisiting old movies, and at the beginning, I heard Richard Parker,about 10 mins in. Then memories came to keep and took me back to the end. Still watching the same movie, just to go all over the journey, the pain,the memories and the satisfaction of accomplishment.
Annetta Wagner
Great movie although I wish they had translated subtitles for the non English parts
Devonte Britton
This is an absolutely great movie, "The Life Of Pi.". Definitely this movie 🍿🎥 deserves 10 stars 🌟✨ out of 10 stars 🌟✨. The training, survival, and the details of learning to talk and trust God made this film a life for pi.
Crynex Hub
great movie still never understood why he went on the spear of the boat when he didn't see any tiger lmao
vampire trinadad
I didn't like when the hyena eat the zebra and orangutan
sebastien simmons
i cried when the tiger left
j j
I lovvvvve this movie
jhay mer
very nice movie
This film is phenomenal.
Mike McKerigan
something about this movie is just beautiful
Landon Lomako
one of my favorites
I loved this movie
Robert McKnight RobAMG
very good watch
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