Life - 2017
The International Space Station's team is tasked with studying an example from Mars that may be the earliest evidence.
Alyssa Sabater
I like this movie it's pretty good I give it a
They should definitely make a part 2. I would love to see Calvin on Earth.
Dean Raney
when it goes in Ryan Reynolds mouth and he's trying to take it off his face. how about you get that shit out of your mouth before you worry about the part touching your face?
Gallgher Hopalong Happy Feet
it was an alright movie, the twist at the end was totally a brain teasure
Martrice Lewis
To be honest with you the end scared me that parasite, whatever it is, is full of brain smart.😰
Shannon Wright
I would have threw the black dude out the airline along with the alien that was feeding off his leg preferably in a space suit
Lee Allred
love this movie.Brilliantely written,acted.. everything it damn good!
Dewayne Donaldson
think about it.... C° and F° and when you get a cold or the flu what do you check as well as how you get someone or someone gets you sick jumping from one host to another
Joe Joel
· Very morbid. Scary.
In that way, a good movie.
However, there is no life apart for the life on Earth.
The hundrilioncuayrilion planets of this universe are for us to fill with life under God's guidance in the eternal life
this is how it all began one stupid scientist who is so excited about new life form that they forget all about the safety of others, and now they are in a messed up situation. all thanks to one stupid scientist. this is what happens in real-life situations with nut jobs.
Let's ,move
looks like I'm a late viewer good show, why escape capsule so far from sleep capsule, seems odd all of a sudden ending
Lee Allred
love the movie but couldn't watch it due to all the popup ads. so, I'm removing the app.its pointless you can't watch anything
David Tremblay
Glad I watched the trailer for this. It's got top notch actors and you can never go wrong with the alien in a space station as far as I'm concerned. Edge of your seat type shit. Rating 7.5
Zaden Baumann
I don't think we will get a second movie. because we clearly know what's gonna happen.
Matt Johnson
this is really good movie I wish they make second one but its one my favorite s
My second time watching.its pretty good.
Dean Raney
i bet that toilet would suck your guts out if you flushed before you stood up
Ker Jersy
idk why but I called the ending. it was too close and woulda been a perfect opportunity for a twist. But like...can no one understand the word NO?!
u should had paid 4.99
Charles Inscoe
I think they need to make more movies like this some of the Sci-Fi movies make no sense but all of this is incredible in real life
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