Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - 1998
An card shark along with also his friends need to create after having a poker match a whole great deal of cash quick. To achieve so they opt to pull out a heist on a gang that have been operating out of this next door.


the only thing that I don't understand about guy Richie movies is if in the criminal world if a person who has already killed before is being threatened by some big boss bully why don't they just kill their ass before the bully kills them..


a traffic cop that their job is to just write a tickets to people and make their lives harder deserve to die. and you know they're going to go to hell

Michael Malcolm

every time you share it doesn't continue everytime it starts from the beginning. I'm canceling this now


I'm here cuz they didn't make the sequel to rock and rolla


one of my all time favorite movies