Mad World - 2018
It's the year 2037. Our world is dying, slowly, by a virus that's left humanity infertile. Perhaps not an individual child was born in 25 years. Governments are helpless the world's biggest, puppets for its biggest corporations and Biocorp, retains promising

Arturo Ramos

infertility pandemic? oh wow. Talk about predictive programming. Not that the covid19 is an infertility pandemic, but rather it could be a trial run for the real pandemic to come in the future. The one that will justify their dream of a totalitarian one world government.

Scot “scotty” Charron

down our throats.....and yes some people died a lot of people die every year from pneumonia....which is what corona is plain and simple......and you are definitely right WORLD GOVERNMENT

Scot “scotty” Charron

srry got a little off topic

Scot “scotty” Charron

infertility yeah I'm surprised that wasn't a side effect