Malcolm X - 1992
A tribute of the struggle for liberation. He struck bottom from the'50s, he became a Muslim and subsequently the pioneer in the Nation of Islam. His assassination in 1965 left a heritage of self-determination and racial pride.

Keith Sams

This is one of Denzel's Washington's best movies he's ever done I wish he could have won the Oscar for this movie before he did with training Day and for best supporting actor for an Oscar should have been at Angela Bassett they were both brilliant and marvelous 5🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Mac Mess

this movie is the best it's alot of game in this movie because us black folks don't know are history now days and you wanna learn watch this movie

Adam Barry

Our teachers and school books failed to say that profiteering African brothers trapped and sold their own people to the white man. it's a tribel trickle down effect. Let's improve.

Craig Moreland

Islam was, "NEVER" THE WAY, IT IS ONLY THROUGH JESUS THAT We have A Personal relationship WITH GOD THE FATHER. John 14:6 We must Ask GOD for forgiveness of our sins And Accept JESUS for us to have ETERNAL life. John 3:16-18, Romans 10:9-13


Love this move I have watch this move once a year since it permed many years ago around this time around dr. king birthday

Ant Antt

Very powerful movie. The ending with Mr. Nelson Mandela was particularly compelling and dominant. Spike Lee is a high-quality, righteous, and ethical director. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Arturo Rash

. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .

Santos Dellior

this movie was Big....some of Spike and Denzel's best work

Big E

Brother had to much power and thats what scares yt

Karen Barton

I love this movie

Arturo Rash

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Kingj071 071

sacrifice his life for afro Americans Unconqured still Champion

Makhulu 313

I love you Malcom X πŸ’™

Shaun mills


Michael Jones

this is my favorite movie

Michael Jones

I love all of you

Velma Williams

I am Malcolm X

Lomand James



good movie

Kenneth Thompson
