Malum - 2023
A rookie police officer willingly takes the last shift at a newly decommissioned police station in an attempt to uncover the mysterious connection between her father's death and a vicious cult.

Adam Mathew

this movie is a f ing great horror movie wtf is wrong with all these idiots in the comments if you don't like horror films don't comment on it and don't comment on something that has nothing to do with the movie but anyways if you're looking for a good horror film this is it

Adam Mathew

this movie is sick,psychotic, sadistic,mental basically all the things that make up a great horror movie its one of the best I've seen in a while the movie "evil dead" is another one that tops my list but this is a good one

April Burrell

this movie is soooo much like the movie called "the last shift" or "last shift" has anyone seen it? I believe the names of the father and daughter cops was Lauren as well.

Mr. Dean

She's better than me because she shot at everything but the gdamn glass doors to get TF outta there.. My shift would've ended at the beginning with the basketball in the gymnasium.

ava giddings

You low live idiots are really fighting in the comment section of a streaming service app. its just a ef ing movie. Not.That.Deepđź–•

Tanya Roberts

I didn't like this one. it's good if you like gore and jump scares, I guess,but there's not much going on intellectually. reminds me of lords of Salem with less of a plot

Andre Hurst

this is like the other movie called the last shift I wonder if it's got some sort of connection to it but again it's exactly like the last shift good movie though

Marilyn Alcantara

I love dark and gory movies like this I recommend this for anyone who saw the last shift I think this one is better than the last one

Florida Boy

stupid girl fat head was in the way the whole movie! he should've told her to move

Mahogany brown

yes, this is definitely a remake of the 2014 movie, Last Shift

Jame'sa Cates

I'm a freak for horror movies... This movie really sucks... She's a great actress, though ... Dumb ass storyline

evia westby

this was trash 🗑️🗑️🗑️ throw the hole movie away actors and all 🤦🏽‍♀️

Devious Reaper

same this movie is pretty good if ur a horror fan u will like it ignore the negative comments they dumb

Casey RJ Stanfield

great remake of an already great horror film, refreshingly scary in a time of seemingly overdone gags and plots. I loved every minute of it.

Dash D

good effects well preformed a trip into the mind of horror


this app is wonderful to have to watch new movies 1,000

April vanover

This was one of the best movies of horror films that I've seen in a long A** ⌚ and I would tell others to watch this movie because this was amazing one too watch and a good story as well and I don't like all movie but when there's a good one, I will tell people to go and watch it


like the woman she came into the police station she just start telling the story she start seeing things but you don't know what they see they ain't giving us no detail of it the mom comes in she's just following stuff the storyline was weak as hell I mean that's it

Jypzi Love

because it is vam recorded in theater. when it comes out on HD no commercials. ok it says that i believe when it first comes on.

Tessa Fleetwood

I liked the Last Shift better, it started out a lot like it but then just got weird when I 1st seen the previews I thot oh there's another cult movie then I realized it's a remake, they woulda done better keeping the cult theme in a different storyline