Man of Steel - 2013
A young boy learns that he just isn't of this ground and has powers. As a new man, he journeys to discover what he had been sent here to accomplish and where he came from. When he is to save the planet and become the symbol of hope for all mankind, but the hero must appear.

Jypzi Love

Watched it a second time, Henry was okay but, I'm still a Christopher Reeves fan. I'm old school I guess. Shen I was a child I watched George Reeves play Superman on television in Black & white .

Child Author Jasmine T. Goins

I love Superman movies and Man Of Steel. Lots of actions, epic, adventure and drama. Me and my mother love it and thanks Wodfix for bringing free movies.

Shaun MacReady

man of Steel is so underrated. I rate it highly I mean from people in general. Henry cavil is superman. in the bar he worked to hold back and not do a thing in that moment takes so muxh discipline. that scene alone is a solid 10 and after it... well he is human after all

GA Paranormal

way way better than Iron Man CGI is better story you can't compare.. the writing is better the music is better the villains are better the boss battle is better I mean Iron Man looks like a bee movie compared to this movie if this came out before Iron Man the game would b Changed

Race Bizzy

Christopher will always be the first greatest. but Henry legit killed this movie. zord was legit a bad guy's bad guy. this was a ode to Christopher's version. but it's amazing how this worked out πŸ”₯

Jon Doe

what about Clarks Earth 🌎 momma was played Cherry πŸ’ (Diane Lane) from The Outsiders for being 60+ she is still hot πŸ”₯ stuff

Oscar Ramirez

after watching it over a few times. you come to see all that destruction. why can't they fight out of the city.

Tammy DeBoard

I like this movie but I think Christopher Reeves was a better Superman.

ralph roodney

the most powerful man in the world 🌍🌍you mad fuck you πŸ–•πŸΎπŸ–•πŸΎ

Kaleb Stoughton

I can see why Bruce Wayne saw Super man as an enemy. They literally cause billions of dollars worth of damage and use the city as their fighting grounds

Ralph Weeks

Great movie watching it for the 11th time. Can't get enough of it.

Justin Ellsmore

DC comics dude not a marvel movie. show some respect to the creators


this is my favorite movie of Superman Batman and Superman good I will not be watching the trans Superman that's coming out

Jason Webb

This is like my 8th time watching and the planet exploding has me shaking my head. Just incase you are wondering if something like this is possible? The short answer is Hell to the NO its not. Gravity plays way to much of the part of the world already. The sun will destroy Earth.

Kabwa Innocent

Amazing movies from marvel


That moment where they reactivate the phantom zone, and superman catches lois, and he's flying away from the black hole, it's funny cuz he's on the air, nothing to hold on to, and he still manages to fly away after a heroic scream. that scene is tough for me.

Ernest Morua

"what if I have to tinkle"? she has a dick just whip it out and tinkle in the snow , I really dislike this Lois lane


has anyone noticed Michael Shannon on the movie Ground hog day he was a newly wed and Phil gave him and his bride wrestle mania tickets. I had to Google if it was him he was hella young but yup it sure was


man father time is a bitch ain't he, I mean Diana Lane was on of the most beautiful women of her time. don't get me wrong she's still a very pretty woman but in her day man she was a show stopper

Hoyt Northcutt

I'll be the first to admit that nothing is free in this world but with that said no one wants to pay the price of a Mercedes for a Chevrolet. There are far too many adds and they are far far too long.