Man on Fire - 2004
Jaded ex-CIA surgical John Creasy takes a job as the bodyguard to get a girl in Mexico City. They struggle in the beginning, but eventually bond, and fury absorbed him and can stop at nothing to save her life if she's kidnapped.
this is one of outside of John Q is an Oscar nominated performance because Cressy had last all hope in his life before peta she made him smile an he didn't know the light she brought to it until they took her this man Denzel Washington is the goat of his profession hands down ✊🏿
too bad creasy. ended up dying at the end that was sad. I wish it would have ended him alive and still friends with her and seeing her growing up..
Keith James Kwasnik
one of Denzel's best movies I've watched this movie so many times i lost count..
I'm all tears in the End
I Loved this movie!!
Rich Duenas
"ok my friend it's off to the next life for you, I guarantee you won't be lonely" damn that's a cold ass line made me shiver
Larry Mohon
any denzel movie I will watch phenomenon like John Wayne was
Caitlin Trinidad
Denzel Washington and Tom Hanks are my FAVORITE actors....all of their movies are great
boi_ fantastic
Gd Movie
Denzel Washington is great in all his movies
Mesha Mesha
I love this movie
Larry Mohon
watched it 3 times and waiting for the fourth
Lc Ward
The magnificent seven with Denzel Washington
Scott Morton
watch John Q
Irish Devil (Irishdevil)
That was straight fire !!!
Hi...... I'm OREANNENA.
Lisa Augustin
good movie
Larry Mohon
made changes in my life
Seattle Sports Network Jay
Great movle
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