Manodrome - 2023
Ralphie is an Uber driver and aspiring bodybuilder who is inducted into a libertarian masculinity cult and loses his grip on reality when his repressed desires are awakened.
Comic Book Brro 602
Is this movie with something else l o l
I knew he had a thing for that guy. I should have stopped watching it after I knew something was up
Gregory Coleman
so is he gay for letting dude fuck him and if he was not at least he was bi curious cause if not he would have plugged the nigga right there. He liked it but he got bank left the pack went home and her ßkank ass left. since spooky astronaut ginger said this movie was disturbing
Valerie BK
I'm only mad about the part he couldn't help his Prego girl out and she left ... now th kid is gonna repeat the cycle of being put in a home them hopefully coming out to be an ok kid ... so I don't get why lil punks reply to me with b.s... watever I'm still 😊 good
Aaron Langer
this is a movie the critics will give 10 stars and talk how amazing and great it is. while us, regular movie watchers give it a 1 star and wonder what the heck was they thinking when making this nonsense
Gerald Horn
u let the fuck u then killed him what type of sick fagit shit is this
Christina Marie
Tf is this bs? when dude introduced himself as dad Dan and they called themselves son ik this was gonna be some bs....and they not getting no pussy.....SMH lol
Gregory Coleman
comic book broo if you have to stop watching it cause of. the gay stuff your hands down alpha and deep down are gonna always wonder bout fucking men, unless you were molested at a young age nobody besides crazy killer were gay or confused about their sexual ity just u fag
Valerie BK
what the fuck is this shit . gay group home like the fuck
Richard Duenas
I wonder if Jesse Eisenberg really put on that weight or CGI? if he did he put on at least 30lbs
Sherry Price
Elyse Berlin
what are you ppl a bunch of low down hillbillies? Fagets really? Spell it right if it gonna be an insecure person. smh
Gregory Coleman
thank u elyse i was thinking the same way why watch the movie when the movie is in the comments fuckin homophobes
Gregory Coleman
I thought for sure he was gonna blow the babies head off, that is disturbing in my book this was a homophobic male who found male love and compassion realized what he was and in a sense shot himself.
Tara White (Nurse Terra)
This is a GEM...I wasn't expecting such an awesome film. Its plot is one many of us can relate to. It's shocking and deep and will offend. You all don't wanna miss this one.
Jeff Wildes
I'm in very bizzare I didn't need to see him take it in the ass besides that
you shouldn't fuck with an unstable mind unless your a prophesinal my spelling sucks
Richard Duenas
this movie is boring and weird
Scot “scotty” Charron
just eisenberg going for awe & shock in a movie like Eileen girl and ortega and all the other weirdos.....
Richard Esparza
OK so started watching the movie and then thought to read some reviews and yeah I can't rate this kinda shit, not my thing.
This is a major departure from the movies Jesse has been in before.
Gregory Coleman
marie your a bitch th movie was in no way aimed at you or all these traumatic men chasing pussy
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