Marie Antoinette - 2006
The retelling of all the legendary but ill-fated queen, Marie Antoinette of France. From her betrothal and marriage for her reign as the fall of Versailles and eventually queen at 19 to Louis XVI at 15.


They Don't Even Show There Heads Being Cut Off... Those Who Don't Know King Louis XVI Was Captured aFirst Then Guillotine at the Place de la Revolution On Jan 21 1793 Then on October 14th 1793 Her Trial found guilty 2 days Later Her head was Cut off by Guillotine At the Same Spot


Waite!!! why were there Convers in the shoe scene 🤨🤨...,55:54 if you wanna see for yourself...I know I'm not trippen!!

Andrea Milner

Second time watching this movie and it's just as good as ever

Edsel Voss

This is a awesome movie


hard to hear